(South-)Korea – Daegu

Korea!? I think the guy’s in Japan! This is what some of you might have thought after this article title. Well, on a short notice it turned out I should be going to Korea for a symposium. We flew via Central Japanese Airport in Nagoya . The airport is located on an artificial island in front of the city itself. Since I was also mainly busy at the conference and the supporting program, there are not so many pictures of places of tourist interest. More like pictures of food. I couldn’t remember Continue Reading

Happy New Year!

Or in Japanese:Akemashite omedetō (gozaimasu)!Please do not say this until the new year. This time I do not have much to write about. Although the New Year is probably the most important festival in Japan, but it is celebrated the New Year, different from us where we celebrate more Sylvester. It’s more like a family party, so it’s pretty quiet. There are no fireworks either. Furthermore, I know too little safely to write about it, although I know e.g. there are certain types of home decorations or meals, some of them religious, but before I write anything wrong I prefer not to do so. I simply recommend a google search, there is already a lot. Continue Reading