If you’re thinking, “What’s the deal again?” I can only agree with you. I was on the road again for conference reasons, among other things. This time I went via Singapore to Malaysia to the conference.
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Shizuoka – Town Shizuoka 2
This contribution is really very short and is supposed to deliver additional pictures about the city.
Continue ReadingThe japanese Katana
The fabulous and legendary Katana. Ok, that may be a little exaggerated, but it is true that there are many secrets around the Katana and that it also fascinates the western world. Katana means as much as sword. The way it is forged is unique in the whole world, even if Continue Reading
Japan – Hakuba
Yeah, this time I was kind of on vacation. My Sensei had allowed me to take part in an excursion of the International Office for International Students, so I was on the road for 3 days. But 1 day alone was lost just for the trip. Our destination was the Hakuba valley (with the village of the same name Hakuba) in the Japanese Alps. And for what? Of course for Continue Reading
(South-)Korea – Daegu
Korea!? I think the guy’s in Japan! This is what some of you might have thought after this article title. Well, on a short notice it turned out I should be going to Korea for a symposium. We flew via Central Japanese Airport in Nagoya . The airport is located on an artificial island in front of the city itself. Since I was also mainly busy at the conference and the supporting program, there are not so many pictures of places of tourist interest. More like pictures of food. I couldn’t remember Continue Reading
Shizuoka University
I finally managed to look at my university a bit more closely. Of course only Saturday after work …
Therefore, it is also relatively quiet (and still bright) on the pictures. During the week I would probably have felt a bit stupid on the campus to make the pictures.Continue Reading
I had the pleasure right at the beginning to experience the Hanami, the famous cherry blossom watching. This also served as my welcome celebration. For this purpose,Continue Reading
First Days
Thursday I was a little bit instructed and received my research assignment.
In addition, I was informed about the working hours, which are of course (as expected) long. I was informed about a relatively short working time, the others work longer. Even if it was already noticeable that it was expected to work longer … (On Saturday, during the morning journal club, it was made clear that this is only a core working time … no problem if it’s necessary (experiments and so)).