When you think of Tokyo, you think of Akihabara. At least if you are a nerd, NEET, geek, gamer, techfreak or manga / anime fan. This district is also referred to as electronics district and is located at the station Akihabara, a major transfer point.
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Culture 1
Under this categorie I will occasionally report on things that are different or funny from a German point of view, as long as I have no own contribution for a topic. This is by no means a negative / positive evaluation, just a statement: This is different from the usual.Continue Reading
Road traffic
The road traffic is in principle just like in Germany, only that here links traffic prevails. This is actually a fist formula. The other is that the very narrow streets here, so that these (even some wider streets) have no walkway for pedestrians. Then you have to walk on the street. Against the actual traffic directed. This has already given me a few queasy situationsContinue Reading