Since this time I was very busy and just want to relax, there is this time just a small article differently than planned. The others will follow in a foreseeable future. Today, I only deliver a few impressions of the bamboo forest, because a colleague also wanted to see, I had the opportunity again to take a few photos. Unfortunately, my camera is really too bad, if I give only the sight 7 of 10 points, then the pictures only 1 or 2 points. This is only in my opinion, but I think this is a nice place. Although the sun was burning and the temperature was about 28 ° C with a higher humidity, in comparison it was in the bamboo forest pleasantly airy and cool. I especially liked the play of the wind, with the rustling of the bamboo leaves and the clacking of the bamboo tufts. It doesn’t seem there are many people visiting this area, although I have seen a few illegal garbage sites before.
Mount Kunō – Bamboo forest

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